yet I am awake
not really wanting to
but getting out of bed
i put on my bathing suit
slip on my flip flops
open the door
and walk past the place where in December
the flowers are still blooming
i get into the pool
on a full moon morning
(not me, i already said i put on a bathing suit
not that anyone could really see me if i didn't)
and work-out
that results in bent metal baby
because i've become super hero strong
and the mixer tries to eat my arm
all the way up to my elbow,
i will be protected
and no harm will come to me
now, that's a Christmas Miracle
the mixer didn't do as well
(RIP old mixer)
gripped by ridiculous fears given to me by 'Them'
i'll just draw a scribble on the page
and find magickal Christmas villages awaiting me
and i'll get into that La-boratory
and work
and then take those skeletons
and change them into Beauties
Christmas Miracle.
on the Winter Solstice
i'll walk past the windows
and have a thought,
"I'm going to see something wonderful out these windows today."
to peck their way into my present
(Pileated Woodpecker)
and find out -
new dimensions are opening up for me
haven't i been praying to have my imagination opened up?
Christmas Miracle.
i found my La-boratory
looking like this
and knowing Santa is bringing me an actual desk
after a lifetime on the floor
i had to clean up
and figure out how to make room where there was none
i contemplated moving my fireplace into the extra bedroom while i moved
where can I put all this?
i'll stuff them in a bag
a bag full of costumes
that sounds cool
yeah it does
i opened The Bodacious Book of Succulence by SARK
on page 15 and found this,
"We've stopped counting fireflies at dusk, standing naked in the rain, finger painting with our feet and stuffing a bag full of costumes and making our "Poet's Corner" in the backyard, with lanterns and tents made out of chenille bedspreads."that's when I decided
YES, I WILL move the fireplace and it will be my "Poet's Corner"
where i will write poetry, journal, sketch, and read!
creating plenty of room in my La-boratory for future endeavors
Christmas Miracle.
Nope, they're still around
and waiting
and watching
and wondering
but they can fly up at any moment
to snatch those Christmas Miracles away
if we don't pay attention to our attitude
who at 35 years old
is still complaining about the fact that he was born on Christmas
and how people react to it
and the fact that people call him a Christmas baby
even though he's a 35 year old man
i told him he's acting like a Christmas baby.
:) ha
well, it was a funny to us
He's my all time favorite Christmas Miracle.
but mostly,
I hope Santa leaves you lots of Magick under the tree.
~Merry Christmas~