Thursday, October 15, 2009

I am layered goodness

So many layers you cannot count them.
They lay on top and underneath that.
They combine to create me.
And no one can take that away.



  1. Love this piece melissa! Yay you for celebrating your every layer !

    Thanks for the blog love!
    Squeezies !

  2. Hello! So good to hear from you again! I've updated Google Reader to your new blog. Oh I LOVE this drawing! So, so beeeeautiful. The colors are so pretty - and OH! I just noticed! One eye is blue and one green - oooooh, nice!


  3. Melissa,
    WOW! It's the grown up version of the girls in your earlier work. This is what I first thought. She is AMAZING!
    Is she for sale?

  4. beautiful painting
    beautiful you
    amazingly beautiful layers!!

    singing with you :)
    ~ maggie ~


YAY! I wanna hear what you've got to say!

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