"She flies with her own wings"
of ghost and gossamer

ever here
then ever there

reflecting The Light of The Source

open to holding it fully
and completely
with no space left for junk

and only time for dancing across the sky,

floating through the garden at night,

and seeing through moonbeam eyes

the meantime of modesty's metaphor.

That's when she speaks
"I call out to you,
Step to the out~side

and into Our Light

and find that you can believe in magick again...
OH silly girl, not the magick of the world,
the magick of YOU!
For that is the only real magick that exists.

Everything else is just smoke and mirrors."
of ghost and gossamer

ever here
then ever there

reflecting The Light of The Source

open to holding it fully
and completely
with no space left for junk

and only time for dancing across the sky,

floating through the garden at night,

and seeing through moonbeam eyes

the meantime of modesty's metaphor.

That's when she speaks
"I call out to you,
Step to the out~side

and into Our Light

and find that you can believe in magick again...
OH silly girl, not the magick of the world,
the magick of YOU!
For that is the only real magick that exists.

Everything else is just smoke and mirrors."
~make a magickal day for yourself~