Friday, November 27, 2009

She said, "You are THE most misunderstood person I've ever met." That is not a sad thing. It means I am mysterious and unfathomable. That means I am like The Great Spirit, God, Goddess, The Universal All.

Unfathomable means: to not be able to measure the depth of, to not be able to understand thoroughly

You cannot measure my depth or my contribution. Neither can I.

You cannot measure Me. Neither can I.

I am immeasurable.

I am NOT ABLE to be measured.

You cannot understand me thoroughly. Neither can I.

I am not fast food....greasy death on a bun of bread, bloody thickness, green crunch, thick white gloop in those veins and whatever else you need on top and in between.

I am an infinite meal with many more courses than you can handle.

I am THE most misunderstood person she ever met......

~ Tis a glorious thing! ~


  1. Miss Understood ? Misunderstood ? I think you are both to me ! ;)
    Big Love to you, Creative, Mysterious One !

  2. Wow, that is powerful stuff, woman! You're channeling your muse big time! Oh yeah, I LIKE it!! XOXO Serena


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